5 Tips to Maximise the Summer Break

With the summer holidays fast approaching, you may be thinking about how best to spend those six blissful weeks off. The summer holidays can be a great opportunity to get ahead ready for the new term but the focus should always be on rest and relaxation. Here are 5 ways to make the most of the six-week break.

Switch off from work completely

A large portion of the summer break should be spent focused on your own wellbeing and switching off completely is a great start. The summer term is often one of the busiest times in a school so turn off the laptop, switch off those email notifications and put your feet up! You’ve earned it. Prioritise eating and sleeping well, get those steps in and enjoy some fresh air to make sure you are fully recharged by September.

Get away

Whether this is visiting family or friends, exploring some of the UK or hopping on a plane for a week or two of sun, having a change of scenery can help to give you a full reset before the new school year begins. You never know what you could find on your own doorstep – why not try exploring new walks, cafes or shops in your local area.

Spend time with loved ones

The long break is the perfect time to spend time with the people you love. If you have children, they’ll be off school too so plan some fun activities you can do together. You’ll also have more time and energy to spend with friends so make sure you make the most of it by planning some days out and evenings soaking up the sun (hopefully!)

Remind yourself who you are outside the classroom

Now is the time to explore your passions outside of teaching or try something new. You may learn something that you can share with your pupils when you return in September or find a new passion you can carry on into the school year. Local councils often have a list of free or cheap courses that you can sign up for, or have a look at whether there are any deals at local gyms and leisure centres.

Prepare for the year ahead

Using some of your time off to get ready for September can help ease some of the back-to-work stress. Whether you prefer to do this at the beginning or end is up to you but doing a bit of planning or getting your classroom ready for the new year will help it get off to a great start. Reflect on what worked well last year and what you might want to change. If you are going to be teaching a new year group or topic, brush up on your knowledge to ensure you are ready for the inevitable questions from pupils!

If you are using the summer holidays to start your search for the next step in your teaching career, take a look at the vacancies currently available at MyNewTerm.

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