MyNewTerm 2023 Features Roundup

As we move into a new year, we are reflecting back on some of the amazing new developments that were introduced at MyNewTerm during 2023.

The most significant addition was the automated integration with the DfE Teaching Vacancies service and we have been so pleased to hear from schools outlining how much this has benefited them.

There were also so many other updates we added throughout the year including:

  • Automated Dashboard Reporting
  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Monitoring
  • Messaging Service
  • Candidate CV Upload
  • Gaps in Employment History Automation

…along with many other smaller updates, all of which have been developed based on customer feedback and included within the MyNewTerm subscription.

The year also included all the latest KCSiE updates that we routinely update with the support and guidance of our legal partners, Forbes Solicitors, to ensure all forms and processes are compliant with the latest statutory guidelines. 

You will be pleased to hear we also have lots of new updates in the pipeline for 2024. Watch this space for some exciting changes coming again very soon!

Customer account manager
If there is anything that can’t be answered by a member of our fabulous support team on the live chat, you can now view the contact information for your account manager when logged in. Why not drop them an email to let them know how you are finding MyNewTerm?

Request an application update
You can now request candidates to provide additional application information by selecting the ‘Request Application Update’ facility. This will notify the applicant who will then be able to easily update and resubmit.

Download candidate data into a CSV
Once candidates have moved to the offered/recruited stage, you are now able to download data from the job advert and application form into a CSV file. This can then be uploaded into systems you may be using to store candidate information.

All new developments at MyNewTerm come from user feedback. If you think MyNewTerm could be a benefit to your school or trust, request a demo here.

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