Company News

Stay up-to-date with all the latest developments, updates, and milestones at MyNewTerm through our Company News section. Here, we share exciting announcements, product updates, and industry insights that highlight the innovative ways MyNewTerm is transforming recruitment within the education sector.

Our goal is to keep you informed on how we’re continuously enhancing our platform to better serve both schools and candidates.

MyNewTerm partner with CES

MyNewTerm continues to reshape Catholic school recruitment with CES-approved online application forms

MyNewTerm is the applicant tracking system of choice for thousands of schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs) across England. This includes hundreds of Catholic schools which have partnered with MyNewTerm since the beginning collaborating with the CES. MyNewTerm has worked extensively with the unique requirements of Catholic schools and MATs, to streamline the recruitment process for […]

MyNewTerm continues to reshape Catholic school recruitment with CES-approved online application forms Read More »

Company News Employers
2023 feature round up - mynewterm

MyNewTerm 2023 Features Roundup

As we step into the new year, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the incredible new features and developments MyNewTerm introduced in 2023. The most significant addition was the automated integration with the DfE Teaching Vacancies service, and we’ve been thrilled to hear from schools about how much it has benefited them. We also rolled

MyNewTerm 2023 Features Roundup Read More »

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