St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust – how partnering with MyNewTerm has ensured compliance with the Catholic church

We spoke to Joe Richardson, CEO (Strategic Executive Lead), at St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust, about how MyNewTerm is enabling them to get the right teachers and support staff into their schools

“In terms of the frustrations, the most acute one was the time that it took to get through things. We found ourselves losing candidates before we had a chance to get them through the door. I think that was probably the biggest barrier that we had. It is one of the ones that MyNewTerm has really helped us to solve over the time we have been working with them.”

“Working with MyNewTerm has really helped us as an organisation in both small and large ways. First of all, there is a fantastic lady who worked with Wayne right from the outset. She was my PA and she deserved to be working with a platform that actually made her life easier.”

“In terms of a significant small way, actually having platforms that work really, really well for the people that are in school. It showed we invested in our colleagues and it showed we cared about the work that they were doing.”

In terms of the big ways, it really has made sure that recruitment is the safest it can possibly be. We make sure that we have the right people in front of our children all of the time. MyNewTerm is at the absolute forefront of that. The annual updates to make sure they are in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) have been absolutely superb. The streamlining of processes to ensure that we actually get all the safeguarding information in place is exemplary. The guidance we have around that has been exemplary for our Catholic institutions.”

“We are a faith family of schools. We have particular requirements for recruitment. Wayne worked with both myself and our Director of Education to make sure that the platform ensured compliance. These compliance requirements were related to the Catholic church. I know that they’ve done so for other faith organizations as well. That’s just an illustration of the way Wayne has constantly tried to work with organisations to ensure the service meets our Catholic needs.”

“If we didn’t have MyNewTerm as our partner, I just can’t imagine the amount of red tape that we would be wading through and the frustrations that our staff would have in terms of the processes that they have to go through to hire people.

“It’s automated so much of that process that it’s taken a huge amount of time out of the job. I genuinely believe that time would have been taken up by more people recruited in our family schools. That would have cost more money which would have meant fewer teachers in front of children. Because we’ve got this great platform, we’ve got better teachers in front of our children. We’ve got better support staff in our schools, and we’ve done that with less cost. That’s allowed us to put the right people in front of our kids. That’s really so important for our Catholic community.”

To learn more about the applicant tracking system of choice for the Catholic education sector, get in touch here with the MyNewTerm team today.

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